Course Overview
Welcome to the CPII Certification Program, the next step in your professional career as a Private Insurance Investigator.
This program is the first of its kind here in Africa. Our goal is to bring together the Insurance and the Private Investigator Industries with knowledge, training and experience. Insurance companies require their internal employees to have a certain level of education and knowledge on the topics of insurance fraud and investigations. Insurance companies have and will be utilizing private investigators for a large percentage of their field investigations today and in the future. Africa’s insurance market is growing by leaps and bounds. With that comes a large increase in claim investigations. Therefore, they are now requiring the private investigators to have a base education on these topics. Private investigators will be looked upon as an extension of the insurance company’s fraud and investigative teams.
This program was developed by Insurance Fraud and Investigation Professionals from the United Kingdom, Africa, India and the United States and offered in East Africa by the Insurance Institute of East Africa.
For more information, download brochure.