Course Overview
The importance of the shipping industry to the global economy is rarely fully appreciated, particularly by those who often take for granted the availability of the goods that are transported by sea. Figures published by the International Chamber of shipping show that in 2008 the shipping industry transported 7,700 million tonnes of cargo. The nature of much of that cargo is such that it can only ever be transported efficiently and cost-effectively by sea.
Notwithstanding technology advances, shipping continues to face many of the same threats such as extremes of weather and navigational hazards that were experienced by the very earliest maritime traders. It is a business beset by risk.
Those who provide the essential global service can only do so with the benefit of insurance to protect against the ever-growing range of risks and liabilities that arise from seaborne trade. Without the protection that is provided by the various types of marine insurance this trade requires, the very existence of companies involved in this enterprise can easily be threatened.
Again this background it is essential for all those involved in the shipping business to have an understanding of marine insurance and this program aims to facilitate that understanding. Obtaining this qualification involves taking the Introduction to Shipping Paper and Marine Insurance.
We offer the program in collaboration with the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, UK. ICS, the only internationally recognized professional body for people working in the shipping industry worldwide aims at advancing professional standards across the Commercial Shipping sector through professional examinations and membership.